When you are involved in a car accident with a commercial vehicle, your car will provide you with some degree of protection when crashing into another vehicle. However, depending on the circumstances of your accident, you might have been ejected from your vehicle. If this is the case, you will want to turn to a personal injury attorney when seeking compensation for your injuries.

Roll-Over Accidents

A commercial truck is more likely to cause a roll-over accident. While a car is rolling over, the windows are likely to break and the doors might fall off. This can create an opening for you to be thrown from your vehicle. You may also become trapped underneath.

Situations That Can Lead to an Ejection

You may be ejected from your vehicle because you are struck from the rear by a commercial vehicle traveling at a high speed. The force of the collision might be enough to throw you through the windshield. This is especially likely for commercial trucks given how large and heavy they are. Because truck drivers should keep adequate distance between themselves and drivers in front of them, there is no excuse for this type of accident.

Accidents Involving Multiple Vehicles

A commercial truck can push you into another passenger vehicle or may push another passenger vehicle into your car. After being hit by several vehicles, the damage done to your car can increase the odds that you will be thrown from your vehicle.

Because you will not have the protection that you would normally have in a vehicle, you are likely to suffer much more severe injuries. With a commercial truck insurance provider, you may be able to receive a much more substantial settlement. However, they will do everything possible to reduce your settlement so you will need a tough negotiator on your side.

Your Settlement

The commercial insurance provider may try to reduce your settlement by claiming that your injuries were the result of failing to wear a seatbelt. However, depending on the force of the accident, your seatbelt might have come loose. Also, even with a seatbelt, the commercial truck driver is still responsible for driving safely.

You will instead want to put the other party on the defensive by highlighting the mistakes that the driver made that lead to your accident. Then, you will be able to use this to seek compensation for your medical bills and lost wages. A law firm, such as Frenkel & Frenkel, can help you with your case.
