You may be relieved to learn that the driver that hit you and sent you to the hospital was covered by automobile insurance. While that is a good start, your dealings with the insurance company are just beginning. When trying to seek monetary compensation from an insurance company, it's important to keep in mind that they are businesses and they must make a profit to stay solvent. Read on and find out how insurance can affect you after an accident and how to make sure you are paid the compensation you deserve.

First, Attend to Your Medical Care

To be paid for a personal injury claim, you must have injuries and seek medical care. In most cases, the other driver's insurance company will pay your medical bills. Unfortunately, things don't always go according to plan. Some common insurance issues are:

  • They refuse to pay some of your bills.
  • They are slow to pay and the bills are sent to a collection agency.
  • They "lose" claim forms, ignore phone messages, and deny coverage for needed medical treatment.

Don't Fall For The Adjuster's Interview

When the other driver is at-fault, their insurer will probably make contact with you in an attempt to get you to:

  • Provide a recorded interview about the accident.
  • Convince you to accept a check that is far short of what you deserve.

The best way to handle this interview is to do nothing. No matter what the insurer tells you, you are not required to provide any recorded statement nor should you sign an accident release or accept a check. Instead, let a personal injury lawyer deal with them.

The Settlement Offer Comes In

The insurer's first offer to settle is seldom adequate or fair but many victims need the money and accept it anyway. Be smart and allow a personal injury lawyer to review your case and form an idea of what you really should be paid. Let your lawyer negotiate with the insurer to get you the money you need based on your damages. In many cases, settlement offers come too soon. If your injuries are severe, it could be weeks before you know what the future entails in terms of medical care. You are entitled to be paid for future medical expenses but that is a common area of compensation left out of most settlements.

Speak to an auto accident attorney to learn more about getting the compensation you deserve when dealing with other person's insurance company
